When we study in college, striving to become a professional - this is education for a living. On the other hand, education for life requires understanding the essential principles of spirituality. This means gaining a deeper understanding of the world, our minds, our emotions, and ourselves. We all know that the real goal of education is not to create people who can understand only the language of machines. The main purpose of education should be to impart a culture of the heart - a culture based on spiritual values.



  • An opportunity to get hired by the Industry/ organization
  • Practical experience in an organizational setting
  • Excellent opportunity to see how the theoretical aspects learned in classes are integrated into the practical world. On-floor experience provides much more professional experience which is often worth more than classroom teaching
  • Helps them decide if the industry and the profession is the best career option to pursue
  • Opportunity to learn new skills and supplement knowledge
  • Opportunity to practice communication and teamwork skills
  • Opportunity to learn strategies like time management, multi-tasking, etc. in an industrial setups
  • Opportunity to meet new people and learn networking skills.
  • Makes a valuable addition to their resume.
  • Enhances their candidacy for higher education
  • Creating a network and social circle and developing relationships with industry people
  • Provides an opportunity to evaluate the organization before committing to a full-time position.
  • Benefits to the Institute: Build industrial relations
  • Makes the placement process easiers
  • Improve institutional credibility & branding
  • Helps in retention of the students
  • Curriculum revision can be made based on feedback from Industry/ students
  • Improvement in the teaching-learning process

TNEA Counselling Code : 4972