• Debate

    YRC of Amrita college of Education had organized a debate under the topic "Future Needs with Mark Based Education? Or Knowledge Based Education?" on 13th May 2022. The debate was led by Guest Dr.M. Mohamed Askar, Assistant professor, Research Department of Tamil, Muslim Arts College. The debate was started with the informative introduction by Chair person. After his introduction each team aesthetically expressed their valid points one by one and also criticized the opposed the opponents parties statement. Finally, the debate ends with mentioning that although marks are necessary in the field of education, Knowledge is the only weapon that is to create healthy nation.

  • All India Radio

    In connection with Youth Red cross Amrita college of Education has organized the special program in order to participated interactive radio live program "College Kallata". The program has been inaugurated by our principal Dr. Krishna Kumar and staff members. There's a new sound in the media Kumari FM associate wing at the campus of Amrita College of Education. As of morning 10.30am to 12.30 am on June 16, the Kumari FM radio station, The Programme includes solo songs, Poem reading, comedy group songs and music from local bands and student voices community programming at live. The program was led by D.Selva Rani and A.Kalaimagal, Kumari FM radio, Nagercoil.